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Monday, November 17, 2008

High Blood Cholesterol – control it the natural and herbal way

High cholesterol is a common problem nowadays, with practically almost a major percentage of those in the 40s age bracket complaining about their cholesterol problem. I am not sure whether this is brought about the better lifestyle that one enjoys as his lots improves along with better income and business contacts that brings with it so-called fine dining and wine couple with lack of time for exercise. Such is the problem that comfort in life that can bring on a lot of health problem that the poor, hard-worker type will have less to combat with.

For the past 10 years, I have been on medication to control my cholesterol level, and lucky enough, I have this under control together with a supplement that comes from the guggul plant. My cholesterol level is now below the threshold of 5.2 which I had trouble maintaining before I took on the guggul supplement.

Over the years, I remember receiving this few times, and this again came into my inbox recently which I thought I should share with you. Afterall, this is not a medication, but in fact , a delicacy that the Chinese common cook in their household. The mail came with someone’s experience who I do not know, but like I said, as a Chinese delicacy, the Mok Yee (black fungus) is available openly and cooked as meal in many Chinese home.

The mail came as follows; Someone’s Experience

I want to share a secret for treating high cholesterol. Three weeks ago l went for a cholesterol check. To my surprise, it was above the normal range which should be less than 5.2 mmol/L. My reading obtained was 6.6. I had been consuming alot of red meat and lamb recently. After consuming Mok Yee (black fungus) for two weeks, l had my cholesterol checked again and found that my cholesterol level fell to 4.70 mmol/L My pharmacist said that even cholesterol medication will need 1- 3 months to take effect. She was very surprised and said it is a miracle.

Review: I immediately followed an advice of a friend who told me about Black fungus (Mok Yee). He had four block heart arteries, over 90 percent blocked. His cardiologist advised him to go for bypass surgery, failing which he would suffer an imminent heart attack. His sinseh ( chinese physician) friend advised him against surgery as the procedure would be messy, painful and expensive. He followed the advise of his sinseh friend by consuming Mok Yee (black fungus) daily. After consuming boiled Mok Yee juice for 40 days, he went for an angiogram. His heart specialist was surprised and shocked that his arteries were all cleared of any blockage and it would not be necessary to see him for another 10 years! My observation is that Mok Yee juice is not only effective in treating high blood cholestrol but also helps to bring relief to joint paints, arthritis and poor blood circulation.

The internet info. claims : that Mok yee reduces blood clot, preventing thrombosis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease,and cancer.Black Fungus contains abundant protein, ferric, calcium, vitamin, rough fibre, the content of protein is equal to meat.
Preparation :
1) Pick a hand full of Mok Yee and soak in water for 1-2 hours
2) Wash Mok Yee and cut to pieces with scissors.
3) Pour five bowls of plain water into slow cooker (crock pot)
4) Put 2-3 slices of ginger, 8-10 red dates, 20 kay chee(wolf berry) into crockpot.
5) Bring to boil for 8 hours. One and a half bowls of Mok Yee juice will remain after boiling overnight.

Consumption : You may consume for 10 to 14 days according to the severity of the problem. For those with low blood pressure consume less or only for alternate days. Drink Mok Yee first thing in the morning with an 'empty stomach'. Consume at least one large bowl. Take breakfast 2 hours later.

Side effects - you may feel a little tired after 3- 4 days. Consume multivitamins and fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Do not eat oily or fried foods during this period.

Observation : Dark and oily stool during the first two days.
Remarks : Cholesterol medication is chemical in nature and may harm the liver. Mok Yee is a plant and does not contain chemicals.
Take blood test for blood cholesterol before and after treatment to see the results.

There it goes, I consume Mok Yee as a normal dish but do not know how effective as claimed. If you do try this, do keep me posted on the result.

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angelinjones said...

The natural treatments for high blood pressure have proven to work, and are much safer than prescription medications. Olive leaf extract is derived from the leaves of the olive tree, and contains a complex structure of substances which act as vasodilators, lowering blood pressure. The hypotensive action of olive leaf has been studied for two decades: Researchers noted a statistically significant decrease of blood pressure for all patients, without side effects.
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Ivan said...

Herbal and natural means is always preferable. Thanks for the added info.

Anonymous said...

In Feb 2009, my mother s cholesterol level was at 6.9 after a blood test. The doctor asked her to take Lipitor. But i told her to give this Mok Yee a try. I cooked for her (i cooked alot and keep in the fridge) and she take a glass every morning for 5 days. Two weeks later we took her for a bloodtest and the reading was at 5.7.
So we didnt give her the Lipitor but continued wt the Mok Yee once (5days) every month.
Pls take blood test b4 and after consuming Mok Yee to make sure this works in your system. I also heard a few friends taking and their cholesterol level reduced.
God Bless